OOC Palace

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No New Posts Rules

No-one really likes these. But I feel they are important. Just mostly to squish out people that are going to murder the RP spirit.

After all, this is a board.. a home if you will for all things that are RP. No-one wants some idiot coming in and ruining the RP mood.

So for the sake of my sanity and everyone elses, this has been made.

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Announcements

Keep an eye on this. Here is where announcements and notices of absent will be placed. Like say you gotta go and won't be back for a really long time, post it in here so everyone knows and so you don't leave everyone hanging

Moderator: Kitty

1 5 A few words..
by Kitty
Jan 1, 2011 23:09:55 GMT -5
No New Posts OOC Chatterbox

Pull up a seat, and mingle with your fellow rpers. You'd be surprised what you learn about those you RP with.

Please keep ALL OOC chitchat in here. That is why this was made. To give people a place to just chill and mingle.

OOC chat is alright in the other threads if it relates to the rps.. But if it's just mingling chit chat, best to put it in as to not disturb the others.

Moderator: Kitty

Sub-board: ChatHouse Refugee Camp

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No New Posts Suggestion Box

Think you can help make a difference on the board? Well come on in and post away. I'll get back to as soon as I can.

Also, if someone can help me to remember all the room names and the section names, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Moderator: Kitty

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Future Zone

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No New Posts Galaxy Stories

The year is 5000. This is the future.. (Picture cowboy bebop/outlaw star type setting). Earth still has some people living on it.. But not nearly as many as it once did. You see, things have changed over the years.. People are now able to live in space... sort of.. Not open space... But they live on other planets now.. As well as alien races... From Venus to Pluto.. As well as alien worlds that have only been newly discovered. However with life in the stars, things have been changing.... Drastically if anything. Upon man's reach into the stars, where space colonies were being built.. and right down to the war on Titan... Something as old as time has surfaced in the stars.. Piracy.. But not just any pirate.. you see.. Space Pirates have surfaced. These are not like pirates of the seas.. No. These are more... dangerous. Usually made of alien races. Yes they are hunted, but these pirates aren't like the pirates of old. They're smarter.. faster. Still the same money hungry, greedy beings..but not nearly as dense.

This is a room that is an active RP. Those who are part of this rp, you know the story line. But those looking to join, I'll drop the link for the room and for the board.


Above is the room...



And there's the board. Feel free to join.

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts The Zodiac

A place for the Futuristic.

Moderator: Kitty

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Rennaisance Realm

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No New Posts Vampire Catacombs - 1700's Freestyle - Open StoryLine

Vampire Catacombs - 1700's Freestyle - Open StoryLine
Entering this site means you have agreed to our TERMS

Etched in blood above the doorway a sign proclaimed:
Abandon hope all ye mortals who enter here.

This Room has NO ADMIN

Vampires today are exactly what they were yesterday or last year or 10 years ago or even 1000 years ago.
Many mortals are stirred ceaselessly by the unguided footfalls of the accursed inhabitants.

My best advice to you, is to enter this realm of common ground and observe for yourself the legacy of the living dead. Be forewarned that there is no safety in numbers, nor any preventative chant or invocation that may keep you safe from unwittingly joining the army of darkness.

A Meeting Place of Common Ground for Those that Roam the Night.

If you are looking for a definition of a vampire... read on before you enter.
There are hundreds if not thousands of ideas on what a vampire really is.
Some types of Vampires you may or may not encounter in the Catacombs:

* Asanbosam: African. Asanbosam are normal vampires except that they have hooks instead of feet. They tend to bite their victims on the thumb.
* Baital: Indian. These vampires natural form is that of a half-man, half-bat creature roughly four feet tall. They are otherwise unremarkable.
* Bajang: Malaysian. The bajang normally take the form of polecats. They could be enslaved by sorcerers and forced to kill the sorcerer's enemies, and some families were believed to be hereditarily stalked by the bajang.
* Baobhan Sith: Scottish. The baobhan sith (pronounced buh-van she) are evil fairies who appear as beautiful young women and will dance with men they find until the men are exhausted and then feed on them. The baobhan sith can be harmed and destroyed by cold iron.
* Callicantzaros: Ancient Greece. According to Greek legend, a child born on Christmas will become a callicantzaros. These vampires often appear in half-human, half

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Tortuga

A warning to ye land lubbers.
Be leaving all yer modern
garbage at 'he door.
Modern weapons 'nd characthers
are not welcome beyond this point.
Anyone caught breakin' these laws
will be keelhauled.


Moderators: Kitty, cj

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Medieval Kingdom

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No New Posts The Castle - Open Room - No Admin

A place for all.

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Elua Mountain Valley

The castle, the forest, taverns along the road... The people of this area call it a wonderland.. But those who have lived here their whole lives.. Have heard the stories told to them from elders that have been passed down for generations know it as something else. It is know as.. Elua Valley. Where it is located is unknown really.. But people from all over the world seem to find it easily enough.

The area surrounding the castle is beautiful. It's teaming with wildlife.. Anything from natural animals.. to were-creatures and shape-shifters. Some even say the forest caves and thick forest area far away from the castle play host to some of the most rarest creatures in mythology.. Like dragons, elves, unicorns.. But what the forest here holds is a rather big mystery. There is actually some parts of the forest that have yet to be explored. Caves dart the bottoms and middle..even some speckle the tops of the mountains. Which yes, there is mountains all around this area. The tops are rumored to be thick with snow and ice all year round. While another section of the mountains is rumored to hold a valley inside the mountain.. Kind of like it's own private hunting area.. Though one has to go through a cave to reach it.. Or so the legends say. Going back down through the forest, there's a clearing just outside of the forest. The grass here is tall.. Knee high at best.. Follow the clearing paths.. Some are man-made paths while others were made by the wildlife. The paths will eventually lead one to the lake that rests in the center of the clearing. The area around the lake has plenty of shade from the trees that loom over it. There is several weeping willow trees. One of them actually rests out over the water enough that the branches stretch out over it. The strongest branch on that tree has a rope tied to it with a knot at the bottom of it..used usually by those swimming in the lake. The lake also plays host to it's own creatures.. Mythical and natural. The lake is also rumored to connect to the ocean via a long underw

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts The Star Wolf Pack

Welcome traveler. You have just stumbled upon The Star Pack territory. You are entering at your own risk. Humans are unwelcome here.. as are half breeds. Only pure blood wolves may pass onto this land. However, you are still entering at your own risk. If you are not part of the pack, prepare for a hostile greeting from either the alpha, beta or omega groups. This territory is well scent marked, as well as the trees being fairly clawed up with scent marks in the clawings.. So there is no way to mistake this as being free land.

As you approach the forest of this territory, in the distance you will be able to catch the howls of wolves echoing throughout the night. Eerie, soul saddening sounds that although happen to be beautiful and haunting, still make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end...a bone chilling sound no doubt. If you are a creature that has an enhanced sense of smell, you will catch a soft scent of a musky odor as you approach and those who know about wolves, will realize this is the marking of a pack who have lain cliam to the territory as their home. You will also find it terribly difficult to make it far within the territory without finding yourself face to face with the Alpha team of the pack, or if both of them are unavailable then either one of the betas.. or one of the omegas will gladly greet you.. And if not them.. then a warrior.. And you had best have a good answer of why you are trespassing upon their land for when they ask, because you see these are no ordinary wolves. The majority of The Star Wolf Pack is made up of wolf shifters and werewolves alike...mainly wolf shifters though. They do not take kindly to humans.. For the most part, they see humans as the enemy. However, the members of the Star Pack are gentle and kind beings who will offer you a place to sleep and food if you do not pose a threat to them and you come in peace... and as long as you are not of human decent. Not even half humans are welcomed into the area.

The hatred for humans goes back to feudal

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Middle Earth - Open Room - No Admin

A place of middle earthy-ness.

Moderator: Kitty

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Dark Fantasy

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No New Posts The Old Abandoned House - Open Room - No Admin

an old house.. enter and play.

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Venus Fly Trap - Open Room - No Admin

This is an Adult room 18+ are Welcome.

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Deep Blue Sea - Open Room - No Admin

A place of the ocean.

Moderator: Kitty

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Modern Day

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No New Posts ^..^ THE HALLOWEEN PARTY ^..^ - Open Room - No Admin

Get your WebCam going and log in with your live image as your Handle!
Samhain, is not Mr. Haney from Green Acres... Samhain is a holiday usually celebrated on or near the evening of OCT-31. It was originally a celebration of the final harvest of the growing season among the ancient Celts. It was also a new year celebration.
Today, it is mainly celebrated by Wiccans and other Neo-Pagans.

Some Protestants celebrate Reformation Day. This is the anniversary of 1517-OCT-31 CE, the day that Martin Luther's published his 95 theses. These were criticisms of beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic church, particularly related to the sale of indulgences. He is widely believed to have published them in a dramatic manner, by nailing them to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Actually, that never happened. He did write a letter to his superiors attacking the sale of indulgences; the 95 theses were merely appended to the letter. This triggered the Protestant Reformation, leading to a decades-long war in Europe, enmity between Catholics and Protestants, and the fracture of Christianity into thousands of individual faith groups.

Samhain is pronounced "sow-in" (where "ow" rhymes with "cow"). Samhain is Irish Gaelic for the month of November or Summer's End. Samhuin is Scottish Gaelic for All Hallows, NOV-1.

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Paradise Falls

Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii and Paradise Falls! This village has lots to offer aside from a beautiful tropical wonderland. Kick back and relax. Go surfing if you want. There's beaches galore and plenty of food places to visit as well as gift shops. There's even a place to learn to surf.. It's kind of like a school for the surfers. Though do be cautious.

Hawaii also plays host to some of it's own dangerous animals... Jellyfish, a wide variety of sharks and other dangerous fish. There's also sea snakes to be cautious of. On land, there's very few snakes to worry of. But there are spiders..some deadly and some poisonous bugs. There are also wild boar and wild horses. As well as jungle land here and there. But aside from the dangers, the sweet sense of paradise over rides all the negative things.

Weather for Hawaii is usually warm - hot all year round. And hurricane season begins in June and lasts till about November.. However the last hurricane to hit Hawaii was in 1992. Hawaii also has a 'dry' season that is from April to October. And the rainy season there is from November to March. During the rainy season and hurricane season, boats do NOT visit the islands, so make sure you got what you need during the right seasons so you're not screwing yourself over when those seasons hit.The best weather however is found around April, May, September, and October. Summers are very hot and humid. The waters surrounding Hawaii is usually 74 degrees all year round.. Though in summer, it can easily hit 80. And winter months are probably the best time to surf because when summer hits, the waves usually tame down.

Last week in April and first week of May, is an extremely busy time for Hawaii due to the Japanese 'Golden Week' Holidays. Also the week after Easter tends to be a very busy time in Hawaii due to the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival. And then in October, the Kona area becomes packed due to The Ironman Triathlon.

Aside from all that, this is a paradise.. a wonderful place to be. Come, pull up a beach b

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Crystal Tokyo

Welcome to Tokyo Japan. Home to the anime writers, the hot and sexy asians. And an all around beautiful country. However.. Things are not always what they seem. For under the beauty that Tokyo has to offer, there's something sinister lurking in the darkest depths of the city's corners.. Humans are not the only ones who roam these gorgeous city streets. Vampires, lycans.. any race you can think of.. even alien races and anthromorphs roam freely here. Tokyo harbors a dark secret.. a secret of death.. and crimson lullabies where blood is spilled just about every night. Violence isn't uncommon here. So many things go on in this city.. Just so much..

There's gang activity.. Massive gang activity actually. The Yakuza controls everything here. Even the cops are afraid for their lives. Most won't even set foot into the gang zones..knowing that their death could come quick and swift. The Yakuza rules everything, but it's not alone. There's street gangs and syndicates that are on it's side.. and those also have rival gangs and syndicates. The Goths, Visual Keis, The Black Flames, Purple Dragons, Black Dragons, Crimson Dragons and Lolitas are all allied with the Yakuza.. All of which respect and yet fear the power of the Yakuza.. yet they're loyal to it.. and should any of the leaders allied with the Yakuza get an order, they'll drop anything they're doing just to obey the orders.

Then there's the rivals.. The Punks, Twin Dragons, Dragon Lords, Crimson Roses.. These guys are against those above. They are known for their violence.. Known for how they treat people.. hostages.. They'll do anything to see their rivals suffer slowly before death takes. them. And of course.. There are those who are in between everything.. Not really allied with anyone. Occasionally, the Purple Dragons will fall under this.. Their leader being rumored to be a phantom that just can't seem to make up his mind. And of course the other that's just in between is The Underground. The Underground is basically a place where street racing can

Moderator: Kitty

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No New Posts Myung Kim Martial Arts

Welcome to The Kumate. Here you will find fighters from all across the globe coming to compete. This place is rumored to be hosted and run by none other than the Yakuza. The Kumate has been hiding under the name Myung Kim Martial Arts for nearly six years now, ever since the brutal attack of police forces that broke up the illegal underground fighting. Due to this, it has been under a different name. But make no mistake, it is still the rightly feared Kumate. Which is also lead by The Yakuza along with a woman by the name of Myung Kim.

During the off season, between competition, this dojo serves another purpose. It is a training dojo where people from all over come to learn martial arts from Myung. There is even a rumor that Myung..even though no-one has seen the woman fight, is supposed to be the most feared, and strongest martial artist in the world. Though of course, rumors can't always be trusted.. or can they?

Moderator: Kitty

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Bohemian Fringe

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No New Posts Endless Beach - Open Room - No Admin

It's a beach

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No New Posts Dark Days Inn - Open Room - No Admin

An inn.

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